Not Just Any Guys – Delivery Pros

One thing that sets PICKUP apart from other delivery providers is the steps we take to onboard the best people for the job. More specifically, our delivery pros, PICKUP Delivery Pros, go through a lengthy vetting process to ensure we have the highest quality people representing PICKUP and our partner.

Our partners rely on us to provide exceptional delivery experiences for their customers. Each step of the delivery process must exceed expectations. That’s even more of a challenge these days when customer expectations are higher than ever. To be truly exceptional, though, we believe that this is more than just a delivery. When a big, heavy or high value item is ordered, businesses should be able to expect reliability. Great care needs to be taken on the road from point A to point B. And, deliveries should be completed when expected in a manner that is safe, professional and friendly. We accept nothing less.

We get anywhere from 50 to 100 PICKUP Delivery Pro applicants each day. To identify the best people, we have a number of onboarding procedures we manage through a utility called Fountain. Fountain is a platform that helps teams to find the right people “at scale through smart, fast, and seamless recruitment.”

Each step of the onboarding process is tracked through Fountain. That includes:

  • Uploading pictures of the vehicle
  • Providing driver license, insurance, registration and inspection
  • Phone conversation 
  • 40 point background check
  • Signing service provider agreement

By instituting these steps, we’re able to weed out drivers who aren’t serious about becoming a PICKUP Delivery Pro. In this way, we can get better drivers on the road faster.

We believe trust is key when it comes to delivery. That’s why we dedicate valuable time and resources to finding the kinds of people our partners can both rely on and enjoy working with. For retailers, it’s all about elevating that customer experience. For commercial businesses, the goal is to ensure no time is wasted on the job. You can expect those results by trusting our PICKUP Delivery Pros.

Learn more about how PICKUP delivery can help transform your business. Click here.