Our curated delivery service gets the job done.

We’ve all been there. We go shopping and spot the perfect item but leave without purchasing it. Simply, because we have no way of getting the big & heavy item home. Or we do buy it, and stuff it in the back of our best friend’s SUV and watch it get damaged.

Everyday your customers are faced with this dilemma of slot gacor hari ini. And, about 51% of them walk away from a big/bulky purchase due to delivery friction.

PICKUP offers the talents of fully-vetted Delivery Pros with the latest in point-to-point technology.  All for reliable curated deliveries from your register to the customer’s room. Our expert services offers retail businesses, a seamless same-day delivery experience that increases your big-ticket transactions and satisfies your customers’ high standards.

Same day or scheduled delivery.

PICKUP is transforming the same day delivery paradigm. Our unique same day delivery model is specifically designed to handle merchandise more than 50 lbs., transported data toto macau less than 50 miles.

Our service connects your customers to fully qualified delivery professionals with up-to-date equipment ready to tackle the biggest logistics challenges.

Let PICKUP’s Delivery Pro team turn your customer’s BIG purchase into a BIG win for your brand.